
DTP-WS / Offering
Jam Session:
Different actors
Great potential for big ideas
Understood the approach
2-day workshop:
Go through the theoretical problem throughout the design cycle
Learn and reflect
Understood the approach
3-day workshop:
Real problem from the enterprise
Go through the design thinking process from exploring the "design space" to defining the "critical function", creating a prototype, to a "final prototype".
Get a good problem understanding and a problem/solution-fit
Reflect on “How to bring it home"
DTP-WS / Facilitation
Top DTP experts
Industry experience
Technological know-how
Digitization Champions
Target- and practice-orientied
Verifiable references
DTP-WS / Classics
We offer design thinking workshops, consulting and coaching ourselves and through our partners.
The "classics" are our 2-3 day Design Thinking workshops for all group sizes, as well as one-day jam sessions or half-day workshops. Contact us for individual workshop offers, consulting services or lectures on the subject of Design Thinking and Business Transformation.
Costs on request, premises, incl. metawalls, flipcharts, etc. are provided by the client.
DTP Community
DTP-C / What is special?
The DTP community lives the Design Thinking Mindset. We share our knowledge, have a positive attitude and carry this spirit into the realization of our daily challenges. Thus, we have managed not only to establish Design Thinking in Europe and beyond, but also to constantly develop our mindset further.
DTP-C / Who is it?
We are an open community of creators, entrepreneurs, scientists, design thinking coaches, facilitators, corporate leaders, managers and innovation leaders. We are interdisciplinary and creative. We are an open community to promote interdisciplinary knowledge exchange.
DTP-C / Why joining?
As a DTP community member, you have free access to a unique network. In addition, you will learn exciting news and know when the relevant events take place. Of course, in the near future, you will also have access to new methods and tools that the community develops and discusses.
Announcement New Toolbook
Feedbacks from our Needfinding….
“There should be great demand for a Toolbook in the style of the playbook.”
“A fresh tools would be great – there are basically the same 100 methods out for years.”
I can’t wait to get the complementary toolbook from Michael, Patrick & Larry.”
"Hopefully the English version is also available soon."

The DTP Bestseller
Aktuelle Bewertung

“This book IS the best definition of Design Thinking that I have seen.” Kee Dorst, author of «Frame Innovation»
„The Design Thinking Playbook not only outlines and describes how to apply design thinking. (…) This is an imaginative new contribution, with enhanced accessibility. “Nigel Cross, author of «Design Thinking: Understanding how designers think and work»
“…worthwhile because of the authors, the structure and the contents. (…) Despite the playful presentation, the team succeeded to work out a surprisingly profound book.”
Harvard Business Manager, April 2017

Contact us

Intro Design Thinking (DT)
DT / What is it?
Design Thinking is a mindset for creative problem solving developed by Larry Leifer, David Kelley and Terry Winograd at Stanford University. The aim of the approach is to bring together as many as possible different experiences and perspectives in respect to a possible problem situation. This approach leads to breakthrough innovations.
DT / How does it work?
Design Thinking tries to generate innovations from the intersection of human desirability, economic feasibility and technical feasibility. The focus is on the user and customer needs respectively. The products, services, processes and business models, etc., are developed in accordance to their needs by the means of an iterative approach.
DT / Why does it matter?
The Design Thinking mindset fits well with the demand for agile and flat organizational structures Especially in a world in which the rate of change is steadily increasing. It changes our view of problems, team structures, customers and processes in the development of solutions. Thus, it can help us to drive the digital transformation and to develop superior experiences for our customers.

DTP / Partners & Friends

Gründer von DTP

Michael Lewrick
Patrick Link
Larry Leifer
"We must constantly reflect upon and advance our design thinking mindset. New technologies and progressing digitization offer new opportunities for the development of ideas and the design of customer experiences"
"The design thinking mindset and its adaptation to the respective context are more important than the process. Since all agile approaches have basically the same mindset, you can learn a great deal from the other approaches."
"Steve Jobs said it in a nutshell: “Think different!” The correct phrase, of course, would be: “Think differently!” With this, he had expressed the essence of design thinking: don’t necessarily do what is expected as being the right thing."